Friday, January 27, 2012

Podcast #2 With Mike Holmes!

Click here to listen to the second PASKETTI WESTERN interview, this time with the lovely and talented Mike Holmes! You can find Mike's work (including his incredible MIKENESSES self-portrait series, like the bang-on Chris Ware tribute above) at This interview is a bit sloppy and unfocused, which is entirely my fault--I probably could have prepared a bit better, so that's on me. However, I think we still cover some cool topics, like dueling (and very different) espionage movies at the box office, superhero movies, how to break into the comics biz, and why audiences should demand to be challenged by their entertainment.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Podcast #1 With James White

Welcome to Pasketti Western, a comics podcast with generous pop-culture spillover. My first guest is superstar graphic designer/visual artist James White of Signalnoise Studios (creator of the killer DRIVE movie poster seen above). Listen in as we jabber back and forth about the new DC Comics logo, THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN, our favourite movie poster artists, and the dangers of nostalgia. I also go on at some length about the new SHADOW series from Garth Ennis and Dynamite Publishing, the terrific new Image titles FATALE and THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE, and reveal how I narrowly avoided sharing the name of my podcast with an upcoming Marvel crossover. Listen to Pasketti Western #1 by clicking here! There's also going to be a launch for the above DRIVE poster at the Strange Adventures Halifax store this Wednesday evening at 6 PM. Drop by to meet James and buy some slick artwork! More details can be found here. Oh yeah, and you may wanna check out the websites devoted to Drew Struzan, Bob Peak, John Alvin, John Berkey, and Richard Amsel. We talk about these dudes and their amazing movie poster artwork in this recording. Even if you don't know their names, trust me--you know their work.